Welcome to BibleStars, a groundbreaking reality Show that blends entertainment with spiritual enrichment.
We believe God has called you to partner with us. Operation 100 Partners is your chance to make a lasting impact.
If you want to change the narrative and support something worthwhile, sign up today to be one of the 100 partners for Bible Stars Reality Show as God calls you.
Our partners will be the financial tool to propel Bible Stars Reality Show forward as an evangelism means of reviving godly and pure entertainment that doesnt require nakedness, immorality or produce wrong role models.
Benefits of Being a Partner/Sponsor
Bible Stars Tv show is going to be a global sensation. For being the first of its kind (A unique faith based entertainment and reality show) with the most engaging content ever witnessed on television. You shouldn’t miss out of being a partner to such a brand.
→A prestigious Award of excellent
→Prominent brand exposure to a global audience.
→Association with a values-driven and entertaining show.
→ Options for targeted advertising and promotions.
See "Partners benefits" for more details